Monday, June 30, 2014

Streaming Doctor in Love Online

Doctor in Love (1960)Doctor in Love (1960)iMDB Rating: 5.6
Date Released : 7 November 1960
Genre : Comedy
Stars : Michael Craig, Virginia Maskell, Leslie Phillips, James Robertson Justice. Doctors Burke and Hare leave the confines of St Swithins for the world of general practice, stopping off on the way as patients at the Foulness Anti-cold Unit. Hare then takes up a position as junior in a well-healed G.P.'s surgery while Burke continues to sow his doctorial wild oats." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Doctors Burke and Hare leave the confines of St Swithins for the world of general practice, stopping off on the way as patients at the Foulness Anti-cold Unit. Hare then takes up a position as junior in a well-healed G.P.'s surgery while Burke continues to sow his doctorial wild oats.

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Review :

Has its moments

No Dirk Bogarde?! Well this Doctor installment is doomed before it even begins. No Sparrow, no Joy - Burke and Hare are adequate, but it's not the same calibre as the last films. Though James Robertson Justice is wonderful, his Lancelot Spratt seems to get better as they go along. His performance in this, as he is about to go under the knife himself, is indescribable, and not to be missed. Priceless comedy! Almost makes up for the silliness of the rest. Another great moment is when he and two young strippers (who have luckily not yet stripped!) burst through a screen showing a great ape and into an auditorium, full of stately old gentleman; who all seem pretty pleased at the disturbance. 6/10

Watch Macumba Love Online

Macumba Love (1960)Macumba Love (1960)iMDB Rating: 4.8
Date Released : 1 June 1960
Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance
Stars : Walter Reed, Ziva Rodann, William Wellman Jr., June Wilkinson
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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J. Peter Wells, an expose writer, arrives on an island off the coast of South America (no country identified), to complete a book on voodoo, ju-ju,macumba, mojo and other cult beliefs, which he believes is responsible for unsolved murders on this island. Wealthy land-owner Venis de Vias warns him against stirring up the natives, especially any efforts to lessen the prestige of the reigning VooDoo Queen Mama Rata-loi. The arrival of Wells' daughter, Sara, and her husband, Warren, on a honeymoon trip, starts the pot to boiling and making the natives restless. Most restless of all is Mama Rata-loi, who asserts her powers and puts a spell on Venus de Viasa. The next thing honeymooner Warren knows is that he is trussed up and about to become the one chosen to die in a voodoo ceremony.

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Review :

if you like movies about voodoo, you may enjoy this one

The Val Lewton movies about voodoo were done much better but then they had a much larger budget than this movie.

Not bad considering its obvious lack of a budget.

The acting is only passable but the beauty of Ziva Rodann and especially June Wilkinson is what makes this movie watchable.

There are some serious questions about voodoo and its applications asked in this movie and that is a kind of refreshing attitude of the subject.

June Wilkinson made a couple of other movies like CAREER GIRL and especially PARTY GIRLS FOR THE CANDIDATE costarring Mamie Van Doren and Ted "Caddyshack" Knight of all people!

Watch A cavallo della tigre (1961) Online

A cavallo della tigre (1961)A cavallo della tigre (1961)iMDB Rating: 7.0
Date Released : 20 December 1961
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Stars : Nino Manfredi, Mario Adorf, Valeria Moriconi, Gian Maria Volonté
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Giacinto Rossi è detenuto per simulazione di reato. Un giorno è trasferito in una cella dove altri tre detenuti stanno preparando un tentativo di evasione. Dovendo scontare solo pochi mesi di carcere, non vorrebbe essere coinvolto, ma è costretto dai compagni di cella a seguirli. La fuga riesce e, dopo rocambolesche vicende, Giacinto si rifugia con uno degli evasori su di una nave in demolizione. Vorrebbero emigrare clandestinamente, ma sono senza quattrini. Così Giacinto raggiunge la moglie che convive con un altro uomo, e da questo viene convinto che l'unica cosa da fare è ritornare in prigione. Inoltre, in questo modo, il nuovo convivente della donna intascherebbe la taglia di due milioni che pende sul capo dei due. Alla fine, gli evasi sono arrestati.

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Watch Westbound (1959) Online

Westbound (1959)Westbound (1959)iMDB Rating: 6.6
Date Released : 25 April 1959
Genre : Action, Drama, Romance, Western
Stars : Randolph Scott, Virginia Mayo, Karen Steele, Michael Dante
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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In 1864 Cavalry Captain John Hayes reluctantly follows orders to become the civilian boss of the Overland Stage Line, which keeps the flow of Western gold to the Union and will help it win the Civil War. Headquarters for the stage line is a small Colorado town with Southern sympathizers who will do anything they can to sabotage his mission. Resistance to his efforts is led by former friend ad colleague Clay Putnam, who has taken advantage of Hayes' absence and married his former sweetheart.

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Review :

Scott Plus Boetticher minus Ranown

This is a decent western—how could it not be since it stars Randolph Scott, always a cowboy who could make you believe it. Here he's a cavalry officer charged with getting gold shipments back east for the Union war effort. Trouble is there are Southern sympathizers in town, including his romantic rival (Duggan) and the hired gunsel (Pate); on the other hand, Scott's only help is a one-armed ex-Union soldier and his eye-catching wife (Dante & Steele).

Most of the action occurs in town or at the stagecoach way station, but we do get some well-chosen scenic shots in Warner Color. Also, Dante makes a likable ally for Scott, as he shows us how to fire a rifle with only one hand; at the same time, he and Scott play off one another really well. However, Mayo's role looks like an inessential add-on, maybe for marquee value.

Unfortunately, that final shootout is not up to Boetticher's usual standards— for example, Mace (Pate) looks like he wants to get shot, standing in the middle of the street as bullets fly. Speaking of the versatile Michael Pate, he seems to have been in about every sage opera of the period. But then he's got such a different look, so well suited to playing baddies.

Anyway, the overall result is not on par with Boetticher's classic Ranown series of westerns, made at about the same time, (The Tall T 1957, et al.). It's a comparison that may indicate the importance of producer Harry Joe Brown to that exceptional series. Nonetheless, Westbound is still worth a look-see as Scott turns in another fine performance.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Streaming Il cavaliere dai cento volti (1960) Online

Il cavaliere dai cento volti (1960)Il cavaliere dai cento volti (1960)iMDB Rating: 5.2
Date Released : 11 August 1960
Genre : Action, Adventure, Drama
Stars : Lex Barker, Liana Orfei, Livio Lorenzon, Annie Alberti
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 700 MB

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Riccado d'Arce, a righteous knight, is the secret friend of Ciro, duke Di Pallanzo's son and the secret fiancé of his beautiful sister Bianca. On the other hand a faithless knight, count Fosco Di Villabruna, covets both the duchy and Bianca, and soon becomes Riccardo's sworn enemy. Fosco has Ciro murdered and Riccardo accused of the crime but ... he laughs longest who laughs last!

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Review :

Great fun

Great fun in this film, that takes itself not too seriously at all; and featuring a perfect misanthropic father, a suitable shy daughter, the old family feud caused by misunderstanding, a gorgeous Liana Orfei, pretty ideas and a Livio Lorenzon you love to hate once more. Watch for Nello Pazzafini in one of his earliest roles (for 3 seconds he can be seen as one of Lorenzon's man at the feast, being beaten with a pitchfork). Barker is not too fading, too.

Watch The Last Voyage (1960) Online

The Last Voyage (1960)The Last Voyage (1960)iMDB Rating: 6.7
Date Released : 19 February 1960
Genre : Drama
Stars : Robert Stack, Dorothy Malone, George Sanders, Edmond O'Brien
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Cliff Henderson and his family are traveling aboard the SS Claridon en route to Japan. The Claridon is an old ship, on its last voyage before heading to the scrap heap. An explosion in the engine room weakens the hull and the ship is now taking on more water that the bilge pumps can deal with. The Captain seems to have difficulty accepting that his ship will sink. Henderson's wife Laurie is severely injured and trapped under a fallen beam. While the men in the engine room work frantically to shore up the hull, Henderson tries to free his wife from the wreckage with the help of one of the crew, Hank Lawson.

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Review :

Very very realistic sinking

Did you like 'The Poseidon Adventure' ?? If yes, you will love 'The Last Voyage'. This is one of the most believable pictures I've ever seen; and not without reason: did you know that most of the sinking scenes were shot on the French Liner 'Ile de France' right before it was sold to Chinese wreckers (by the way: that's the reason for all the Chinese Stewards in the picture)?? They actually flooded parts of the engine room for the shooting. And even the scene in the Dining room (at the end)was real; Wanna see how it REALLY is to see a ship sinking ?? Get this movie... The only really disappointing scene is the actual sinking of the 'Claridon'. But it's worth it anyway...

Streaming The Long Absence Online

The Long Absence (1961)The Long Absence (1961)iMDB Rating: 7.2
Date Released : 15 November 1962
Genre : Drama
Stars : Alida Valli, Georges Wilson, Charles Blavette, Amédée. Thérèse Langlois, who runs a small café in the Paris region, lives alone with her souvenirs. One day she thinks she recognizes her husband in a tramp walking past her establishment. It must be said that her spouse has not not shown any signs of life ever since he disappeared during the War. But the stranger has lost his memory. Thérèse tries hard to stir up memories in him but she fails. Was the ..." />
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 700 MB

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Thérèse Langlois, who runs a small café in the Paris region, lives alone with her souvenirs. One day she thinks she recognizes her husband in a tramp walking past her establishment. It must be said that her spouse has not not shown any signs of life ever since he disappeared during the War. But the stranger has lost his memory. Thérèse tries hard to stir up memories in him but she fails. Was the stranger really the man of her life ? Anyway, the tramp disappears once more. Alone again, Thérèse still hopes he will come back to her.

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Review :

Trois Petites Notes de Musique

Generally the simple name of Marguerite Duras makes me yawn my head off.But here,not at all.Released in 1960, this little gem has almost sunk into oblivion,and for good reasons : Henri Colpi was not part of the Nouvelle Vague and it was a curse when His Majesty Godard's reign began.

Hindsight displays the great charms of this movie: the subject is finally close to "Un long Dimanche de Fiançailles" ,Jeunet's extravaganza,but it's an intimate drama and much more moving.

During WW2,Thérèse (Alida Valli,the great Italian thespian,excellent as ever) lost her husband;he had been reported missing in Germany.In her small bistro,she is still waiting,waiting...One days she spots a tramp on the street (George Wilson).Might he be the one?Might he? A film about souvenirs,lost illusions,fear of loneliness,nostalgia,hope against hope,"Une aussi longue absence" is all this and more.Enhanced by George Delerue's (who else?)delicate score,which features the little song "Trois petites notes de Musique" (= three little music notes) , an infinite poetry emanates from Colpi's work.

In 1960,there was not only Truff' or God' in France!Please give the non nouvelle vague directors a chance!They were not out of breath either.

Streaming Le tre eccetera del colonnello (1960) Online

Le tre eccetera del colonnello (1960)Le tre eccetera del colonnello (1960)Date Released : 26 August 1960
Genre : Comedy
Stars : Juan Calvo, María Cuadra, Vittorio De Sica, Anita Ekberg." />
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 700 MB

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Watch Carry on, Constable (1960) Online

Carry on, Constable (1960)Carry on, Constable (1960)iMDB Rating: 6.2
Date Released : 1 February 1960
Genre : Comedy
Stars : Kenneth Williams, Sidney James, Eric Barker, Kenneth Connor. With a flu epidemic running rife, three new bumbling recruits are assigned to Inspector Mills police station. With help from Special Constable Gorse, they manage to totally wreck the operations of the police force and let plenty of criminals get away, even before they arrive at the station. They all have to prove themselves or else they'll be out of a job and Sergeant Wilkins will be transferred...." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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With a flu epidemic running rife, three new bumbling recruits are assigned to Inspector Mills police station. With help from Special Constable Gorse, they manage to totally wreck the operations of the police force and let plenty of criminals get away, even before they arrive at the station. They all have to prove themselves or else they'll be out of a job and Sergeant Wilkins will be transferred. Sub-plots include romances between Wilkins and Moon, Constable and Passworthy.

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Review :

The best of the series

This is my favourite of the lot, a funny and swiftly paced comedy with hilarious performances. Like 'Carry On Sergeant' this has the feel of a 'Police Academy' film made in a more innocent time, with funny jokes and charm and other things lacking in those later films.

Anyway. When the local police station is hit by a bout of flu, a bunch of coppers straight out of training school are sent out to cover for the sick bobbies; needless to say they blunder their way through their beats and enrage the Inspector (Erik Barker, excellent). Watching over them is understanding Sergeant Sid James, who's also really good.

The whole cast is great here, actually: Kenneth Connor, always my favourite of the regular cast, is absolutely hilarious as a superstitious copper; he acts more energetically with his nose and eyebrows than most of the others do with their entire bodies! Also brilliant are Kenneth Williams, Leslie Phillips, Joan Sims (very sexy here) and Charles Hawtrey, who as usual looks as though he's having the time of his life. Hattie Jaques is extremely warm and appealing as the superior officer with a soft spot for James, and the whole lot of them are great fun to watch.

Do all the gags land? No, there are bits and pieces that fall flat, but in general this is a lot of fun.

Streaming Kidnapped Online

Kidnapped (1960)Kidnapped (1960)iMDB Rating: 6.7
Date Released : 24 February 1960
Genre : Action, Adventure, Drama, Family
Stars : Peter Finch, James MacArthur, Bernard Lee, John Laurie. Kidnapped and cheated out of his inheritance, young David Balfour falls in with a Jacobite adventurer, Alan Breck Stewart. Falsely accused of murder, they must flee across the Highlands, evading the redcoats." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Kidnapped and cheated out of his inheritance, young David Balfour falls in with a Jacobite adventurer, Alan Breck Stewart. Falsely accused of murder, they must flee across the Highlands, evading the redcoats.

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Review :

This classic story will always be entertaining...

When I watched this movie as a child, I was amazed and in awe by this adventure story that unfolded before me. In spite of the fact that I'm now older and more critical of the films I view, I couldn't help but admire the acting of Peter Finch and the others. Upon a recent viewing, I realized that much of the depth that makes this film so enjoyable was extremely overlooked in my youth. While the adventure is no "Jurassic Park," the story that unfolds about friendship, courage and determination allows me to recognize this film, not only as a childhood favorite, but as a timeless classic which I think people of all ages can and will enjoy. Rent it, buy it or borrow it--you won't be disappointed!

Streaming The Last of the Vikings Online

The Last of the Vikings (1961)The Last of the Vikings (1961)iMDB Rating: 5.0
Date Released : 1 May 1962
Genre : Action, Adventure, War
Stars : Cameron Mitchell, Edmund Purdom, Isabelle Corey, Hélène Rémy
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Harald and younger brother Guntar return to Norway after a 10-year voyage to find their father murdered and his lands now ruled by the villainous Sveno. As part of his plan to rally the Vikings against this tyrant, Harald disguises himself as the Danish ambassador and enters Sveno's stronghold. There, he falls in love with Hilde, Sveno's cousin, who's been betrothed against her will to the Danish king. Harald must devise a new plan when Guntar is captured by Sveno and when the real Danish ambassador arrives on the scene.

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Review :

An Italian Norse Opera

A couple of Hollywood names Cameron Mitchell and Edmond Purdom who were finding it harder and harder to get decent big screen roles with the coming of television spent some time in Italy in the Sixties doing all kinds of film genres. In The Last Of The Vikings the two are on opposite sides as Viking prince Mitchell seeks to reclaim the throne of his father which has been stolen by Purdom the usurper.

In Hollywood in some of his more known features, Edmond Purdom was said to be wooden by some critics. To make up for that Purdom chews an entire carpet factory in his performance. It reminded me of Jay Robinson as Caligula on steroids it was that overacted. Purdom was such a nut case I found it hard to believe anyone would join in a revolt with this loony tune as a usurper.

As a study in the extent that overacting can be carried on screen, I recommend watching The Last Of The Vikings, otherwise beware.

Streaming The Trap Online

The Trap (1959)The Trap (1959)iMDB Rating: 6.9
Date Released : 7 August 1959
Genre : Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Stars : Richard Widmark, Lee J. Cobb, Tina Louise, Earl Holliman. Lawyer Ralph Anderson arrives in Tula, an amazingly remote town in the desert, as reluctant emissary of mob chief Victor Massonetti, who wants the airstrip clear for his unofficial exit from the country. Ralph's arrival has a profound effect on his estranged father, the sheriff; his brother Tip, an alcoholic deputy; and his ex-sweetheart Linda, now married to Tip. Tension builds as a small army ..." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Lawyer Ralph Anderson arrives in Tula, an amazingly remote town in the desert, as reluctant emissary of mob chief Victor Massonetti, who wants the airstrip clear for his unofficial exit from the country. Ralph's arrival has a profound effect on his estranged father, the sheriff; his brother Tip, an alcoholic deputy; and his ex-sweetheart Linda, now married to Tip. Tension builds as a small army of gangsters takes over the town. Then the situation abruptly changes...

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Review :

"This is a hearse, and I'm driving"

'The Trap (1959)' is a rather obscure crime thriller, but nevertheless has some star-power behind it. Richard Widmark is Ralph Anderson, a prodigal son returning to his hometown in the middle of the California desert. Lee J. Cobb is Victor Massonetti, a fugitive mob-boss intent on boarding a private plane to Mexico. When Ralph and his alcoholic brother Tippy (who is unhappily married to Ralph's ex-flame, Linda) capture Massonetti, the gangster's Mafia affiliates go into overdrive. With just a single dirt road leading out of town to civilisation, getting Massonetti into the hands of the authorities isn't going to be pleasant or easy. Just like John Sturges' wonderful 'Bad Day at Black Rock (1955)', this film has all the trademarks of a Western, but is set in modern times. As the escort winds its way across the lonely, parched landscape, you can cut the tension with a knife. Cobb is a formidable villain, his silent glowers and snide threats from the backseat proving both entertaining and unsettling. Tina Louise is certainly alluring as the love interest torn between two brothers, and Carl Benton Reid is impressive as Ralph and Tippy's overbearing sheriff father. And just to prove that Bruce Willis has nothing on his forebears, Widmark takes out a plane with a car!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Streaming Un amore a Roma Online

Un amore a Roma (1960)Un amore a Roma (1960)iMDB Rating: 6.7
Date Released : 24 November 1960
Genre : Drama, Romance
Stars : Mylène Demongeot, Elsa Martinelli, Peter Baldwin, Claudio Gora." />
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Review :

LOVE IN ROME (Dino Risi, 1960) ***

The plot of this little-known but very well-made romantic drama (from the generic title, one could well mistake it for just another example of teen-oriented fluff which proliferated in Italy at this time!) anticipates high-profile works by acclaimed film-makers such as Joseph Losey’s EVA (1962) and John Schlesinger’s Oscar-winning DARLING (1965). Here, the femme fatale-ish heroine (who can’t bring herself to remain faithful to her true love for very long) is played by luscious French starlet Mylene Demongeot – in what is probably her most significant role; the hero by American Peter Baldwin, whom I best recall from THE GHOST (1963) – one of the better examples of Italian Gothic Horror.

As with the afore-mentioned EVA, the heroine has set her sights on a movie career: however, she only seems to be able to secure parts in low-brow peplums (of which Demongeot herself made a few!)…and, amusingly, one of the country’s foremost film-makers – Vittorio De Sica – turns up in a cameo as the flustered director of one of them!! Still, the real protagonist here is Baldwin – who, being an essayist, is made to provide first-person commentary to smooth over occasional gaps in the narrative (the events occur over a number of months at least); in fact, he’s himself involved with two other women during the course of the film – Elsa Martinelli (the film even begins with the two having a row at night in Rome’s famed Piazza di Spagna) and Maria Perschy (who happens to be the intelligent but virtuous daughter of a friend of Baldwin’s father, a lecher who numbers Demongeot among his flings!). Though given obviously subsidiary roles, both Martinelli and Perschy play flesh-and-blood characters rather than mere stereotypes (frustrated with Demongeot’s capricious nature, at one point the hero proposes to upper-class Perschy but is unable to follow it through); the cast also includes Claudio Gora (appearing as Perschy’s father) and, as two of the heroine’s copious conquests, Jacques Sernas and Umberto Orsini.

While the film is adult, perceptive and generally absorbing, it’s not quite in the same league as, say, the comparable work of Michelangelo Antonioni: its main flaw in this regard has to do with the contrived plotting of the latter stages, which renders the whole slightly tiresome by the end; on the other hand, the lighting (alternately gleaming and shadowy) is exquisite throughout – giving LOVE IN ROME not only a pleasingly polished look but a genuine sense of style. Incidentally, given Risi’s reputation for caustic humor, one welcomes the De Sica incident I referred to earlier amid all the gloom, or the subtle yet side-splitting image of a fat middle-aged man apathetically smoking and gulping down food (simultaneously) at a party while Baldwin is frantically trying to reach Demongoet on the phone; there’s also a cute in-joke, wherein the aspiring-actress heroine says she had already appeared in a film called POVERI MA BELLI (1957) – directed by none other than Dino Risi himself! – but that her part had ended up on the cutting-room floor!

Streaming The Virgin Spring Online

The Virgin Spring (1960)The Virgin Spring (1960)iMDB Rating: 8.1
Date Released : 14 November 1960
Genre : Drama
Stars : Max von Sydow, Birgitta Valberg, Gunnel Lindblom, Birgitta Pettersson
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Set in beautiful 14th century Sweden, it is the sombre, powerful fable of wealthy land-owning parents whose daughter, a young virgin, is brutally raped and murdered by goat herders after her half sister has invoked a pagan curse. By a bizarre twist of fate, the murderers ask for food and shelter from the dead girl's parents, who, discovering the truth about their erstwhile lodgers, exact a chilling revenge.

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Review :

Faith and Human Nature

The Virgin Spring is a film so graceful, subtle and omniscient that when we experience powerfully emotional moments, we haven't even expected them, and when we have, it's already hit us. With every detail of every department, the result is utter simplicity, utter docility, no fluctuation in the face of whatever brutality or emotional quakes, making them all that much more profoundly moving. The story reveals and illustrates the characters up until the fatal flaw causes the end of the movie to be inevitable, but we never saw that particular element that way, because everything is utterly natural.

Its pitch-perfect genuine bloom is the effect of the film being pared down to its barest intentions. And these are not only fundamental questions, but fundamental questions in a time and place in history where needs and desires were purely fundamental. The characters, existing in medieval Sweden, could have no concept of how complicated human beings' intentions could be as they are in modern times. It begins with a prosperous Christian whose daughter, Karin played by Birgitta Pattersson, is appointed to bring candles to the church. This is a big deal around here. Karin is accompanied by her pregnant foster sister, Ingeri played by Gunnel Lindblom, who secretly worships a Norse pagan God. What conflict! What happens from there, I will not say. But anywhere you may read about this film you will see that it was the basis for Wes Craven's exploitation flick The Last House on the Left, but in that exploitation of a genuine bloom of grace, the ensuing turning points in the plot achieve the exact opposite effect in every way I've explained. When you see The Virgin Spring, you will be presented with people who search for the same answers and consolations most of us still seek today. Even if a viewer would sooner find themselves watching Craven's film than anything by Ingmar Bergman, once they would get around to The Virgin Spring, they'd find themselves subjected to an unexpected, and wholly memorable, experience more rare than the later film.

Max Von Sydow's performance is truly unforgettable in every sense of the word, burning every line of his ultimate soliloquy into you with an impact lasting longer than the movie or the day you see it. He is a giant, unabashedly masculine yet incapable of artifice. Even so, he stands out no more than any other actor, all of whom beautifully share the screen with one another, which emboldens the impact of where his character goes.

Ulla Isakkson's story yields a multitude of moral examinations in our minds. There are certain peculiar characters who have no human sympathy and are unashamed of a laundry list of barbarities. Bergman shows the Christian Orthodox family spending every waking moment preoccupied with purity, altruism and decency in the eyes of the god they passionately look to with faith that the world they live in is inherently good and just. Their concept of evil is the notion of a Pagan god. How are they to act when crossing paths with the former set of characters?

Watch Totò, Fabrizi e i giovani d'oggi (1960) Online

Totò, Fabrizi e i giovani d'oggi (1960)Totò, Fabrizi e i giovani d'oggi (1960)iMDB Rating: 6.7
Date Released : 7 August 1960
Genre : Comedy, Romance
Stars : Totò, Aldo Fabrizi, Christine Kaufmann, Geronimo Meynier. Carlo is in love with Gabriella and he decides to marry her. She agrees but some problems begin when their parents meet. Giuseppe D'Amore and Antonio Cocuzza take at once a dislike to each other and begin fighting over everything. The marriage is then called off and Carlo and Gabriella decide to fly away..." />
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 700 MB

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Carlo is in love with Gabriella and he decides to marry her. She agrees but some problems begin when their parents meet. Giuseppe D'Amore and Antonio Cocuzza take at once a dislike to each other and begin fighting over everything. The marriage is then called off and Carlo and Gabriella decide to fly away...

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Review :

Precious classic comedy

Carlo and Gabriella want to get married. They have to overcome not only the opposition from their parents to a marriage at their young age but most importantly the instant dislike that their fathers take to each other. The many scenes where Totò, as the wealthy pastry magnate father of the bride, argues with Fabrizi, the middle-class public servant father of the groom, about who is going to pay for what, are priceless. It's an old-fashioned comedy, very Italian and very funny.

Watch Third Man on the Mountain Online

Third Man on the Mountain (1959)Third Man on the Mountain (1959)iMDB Rating: 7.4
Date Released : 10 November 1959
Genre : Adventure, Drama, Family
Stars : Michael Rennie, James MacArthur, Janet Munro, James Donald
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 700 MB

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A boy attempts to realize his father's dream of climbing an alpine peak known as the Citadel.

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Review :

Excellent family film and a must for Michael Rennie fans

This visually stunning film about the true story in the mid-19th century of a young man's need to conquer a mountain in the Swiss Alps that claimed the life of his father 16 years before is an exciting, gripping story that the entire family can enjoy. Young Rudi Matt (James MacArthur) is helped in his quest by famed British climber Captain John Winter, played by Michael Rennie, and their easy, warm chemistry also helps to make this a delightful film for all ages. If you are a fan of Michael Rennie, this film is a must-have for your collection, as his role is large and he gives a wonderful performance. If you are a fan of family adventure films, I recommend this film to you as one that your children will undoubtedly find entrancing, as will you. "Third Man on the Mountain" is a heartwarming, emotionally satisfying journey of a youth into a young man as well as an exciting story of mountain climbing in the 1800's.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Watch Whirlpool Online

Whirlpool (1959)Whirlpool (1959)iMDB Rating: 5.9
Date Released : 1 March 1959
Genre : Drama
Stars : O.W. Fischer, Juliette Gréco, Muriel Pavlow, William Sylvester." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Review :

Pedestrian crime drama

"Whirlpool" is one of those movies which delivers less than you'd expect. The dilemma of the film's central character is promising - as becomes clear from the first five minutes, she is on the run both from the law and from her former criminal associate - but the pacing is rather slow and there's not quite enough tension to hook the viewer.

Another major problem lies in the casting of this character. Lora is an anti-heroine, granted, but Juliette Greco makes her so coldly unsympathetic throughout the action that it's hard to see how anyone could find any potential for redemption in her. (Lollobrigida or Loren might have brought a bit more warmth and humanity to the role.) On the plus side, the other characters are all decently acted, and the gorgeous Rhineland scenery and good musical score are points in the movie's favour.

Not a bad film overall, then, but a disappointment when you consider what it could have been. 6/10.